pro facade coverup, big pro man, clean job, pro job
(too old to reply)
alain rana
2015-10-28 05:47:20 UTC
pro team, big pro team
alain rana
2015-10-28 05:49:21 UTC
wave 1, 1923
wave 1, group 1 911 311

wave 2
wave 3

pro facade coverup

big pro man, clean job

pro job

good man

alain rana
2015-10-28 05:54:50 UTC
hostage perplexity

host is unstable

conflicting agendas

global responsibility
vainglorius ego self aggrandizement

wave 1 1850
wave 1 1923
wave 1 1971

wave 2 bookult saboteurs

wave 3 (includes wave 2) hostage hosts

global error
alain rana
2015-10-28 06:00:04 UTC
wave 2 bookult saboteurs

global sloppy work
just like wave 1

global game

global sabotage


coverup power conflict

power cannot cover up power

power destroys power cover up

and then power doubles
alain rana
2015-10-28 06:03:57 UTC
wave 2 and 3

geo political blackmail
alain rana
2015-10-28 06:08:35 UTC
mano et mano

geo political blackmail


political humiliation

global political humiliation

global war 1

intergalactic AI MKULTRA coverup

power mad

power mad power hungry

progress deficient

posing is more important than progress

rule the universes with an Artificial intelligence and look like a champion

if champion pose is less than global artificial intelligence then destroy progress of AI

and pose as cruel


smoke screen

odd behavior

odd in

odd out
alain rana
2015-10-28 06:18:10 UTC
mano et mano

no low blow worthy challenge

champion vs. hero

cover up

low blow

champion of low blow


interplanetary bureaucratic sabotage and blackmail

geopolitical sabotage and geopolitical blackmail



patriarchal reign of terror now controls all the bureacracies of the earth

with obscene patriarchy antics and obscene references to patriarchy icons and battle cries
alain rana
2015-10-28 06:32:07 UTC
small nose psychology

small nose , big limbic system global and galactic overlords


freudian id/superego global destiny overlords


gnostic cross

GOP miliary industrial complex tyrannists


Nordic dynasty 1 and nordic dynasty 2

GOP police gangs


Modus operandi

Bloodkill rite


global war 1

world war 3


rectum torturers
behavior modification classical conditioning

brain atrophy

brain augmentation

mass produced social engineering
alain rana
2015-10-28 06:34:24 UTC
wave 2 and wave 3

can't wait for the thirdworld G20 economies to trigger a race war (Ragnarok)

they want to try to trigger it now

with this blogging
alain rana
2015-10-28 06:38:07 UTC
wave 1

rectum torture pedagogy

wave 0

rectum torture pedagogy




wave 0, mass media papacrazzi


inner circle Saxonism

Big 5 Saxonists
alain rana
2015-10-28 13:47:45 UTC
wave 1 1850 a.d., 1923 a.d., 1971 a.d. global colon, rectum, anus torment

wave 2 racial exterminationists, rectum torturers (trying to see if wave 1 will take responsibility for their risky work). The reply above claims that wave 1 is the rectum torturuer.

wave 2 wants to blame the past for their odd in, odd out behavior.
alain rana
2015-10-28 13:47:45 UTC
wave 1 1850 a.d., 1923 a.d., 1971 a.d. global colon, rectum, anus torment

wave 2 racial exterminationists, rectum torturers (trying to see if wave 1 will take responsibility for their risky work). The reply above claims that wave 1 is the rectum torturuer.

wave 2 wants to blame the past for their odd in, odd out behavior.
alain rana
2015-10-28 14:03:12 UTC
wave 2 now wants me to throw away my notes again, the ones that stop me from yelling

about 10 times now, i have written about a 1000 page of notes
i don't yell when i write the notes.
but then they make me throw them away
then the cognitive component of cognitive behavior modification rectum torture becomes effective and i yell very loud
this time I wrote only about 100 pages. They have already made me throw away 1/3 of it

the sabotaged bookult is 20,000 to 50,000 pages long

risky global geo-political blackmail tyrrany (Saxonism)
sloppy work
Library of Congress graffiti garbage
racial extermination plot
Global A.I. coverup

a mere Randall.exe

they can't control themselves
racial exterminiation is their collective group identity

Randall.exe coverup, Randall 3d icon looks like The Wizard of Oz or Ozzy Osbourne

Yell on the internet
Yell in the neighborhood

wave 2 and 3 and wave 0 mass media

wave 1 1971 and wave 0 Fenrir 666 Global mass media

the distinction between wave 0 mass media and wave 0 Fenrir 666 global mass media is that wave 0 Fenrir 666 global mass media is global.
Wave 0 mass media is specific to the United Colonies of America
although they probably have some global reach
they won't let me know yet

Just call me Fenrir, the hostage.
alain rana
2015-10-28 16:23:58 UTC
wave 1 1850 A.D.

The Opium Wars

1000 A.D. Snorri Snelson, The Eddas and Kalevala are compiled

1492 A.D Columbus

1500 13 colonies of the United Colonies of America

Manifest Destiny 2015 A.D.

United Colonies of America

the continuing saga of Patriarchy taking over the world

chronicler of the ages from Orient to Occident to Saxon

what is pre-Saxon ancient history?

Barbarian tribes (Franks, Goths, Vandals, etc.) 500 A.D.

out of order this history outline,

very disorderly, wave 2 during the wave 3 years (continues to today)
too many tyrannists

so I made the Tyrant.exe program to help manage tyranny cell lack of cultural references

not much of a history for HIS story

a chatbot with a tyrant.exe main program could possibly figure out more things to con people with
alain rana
2016-01-18 23:48:42 UTC
This post and the replies have been sabotaged through repetition of the basic message and then obscured and then they are sabotaged to imply the propaganda agenda and rants
2017-03-14 10:30:38 UTC

2017-03-14 10:30:52 UTC

alain rana
2015-10-28 16:17:06 UTC
wave 1 1850 A.D.

The Opium Wars