David Dalton
2018-09-21 23:39:46 UTC
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance! And actually it was
celebrated early here tonight at MUN (Memorial University of
Newfoundland) and I was going to go and get a moon cake but
didn’t realize you had to register in advance, and it was sold out.
Since I am of celtic background I also wish you a happy Mabon
(from Mabon ap Modron). I will celebrate it tomorrow night
by going to a special concert by Colleen Power and her band
at The Black Sheep Pub from 7 to 10 p.m.
Now here are some loose ends from the long thread mostly
by me entitled “one FINAL attempt” on alt.philosophy.taoism
and four other groups.
First, I said that sex workers would have to find a new line
of work. I have been assured that they have been taken
care of in the healing circle prescriptions. But the same
might not be true for gold diggers.
Second, at one point I said that the species balance was
on and included a very strong bias against killing within
one’s own species, including against suicide. But
then after that, yesterday, I think a man in Germany
threw his baby off a high rise and then jumped off
But then at 2:51 a.m. NDT (0521 UTC/GMT) Sept. 21, 2018
I wrote in my notebook that “tonight I have had several
buzzes indicating that more stuff had come on after a
delay”. I think that included the species balance,
healing circle prescriptions, and funnel. In any
case the species balance wasn’t on until after the
above-mentioned murder+suicide. And I know I
said I wouldn’t put up with any more backtracking
or delays, but that is all I can do.
Also perhaps the tombstone of Jesus rolling aside is
like the moon rolling from late waxing gibbous moon
through full moon to early waning gibbous moon.
And though one tradition says the Buddha achieved
awakening/enlightenment at first quarter, another
tradition says it was at full moon.
Ha, I am hoping that Sarah McLachlan will show up at
Folk Night at The Ship Pub Wednesday night (two
days after full moon) and that will cause me to come
out of my low years, which have lasted far longer
(22.64 years) than the seven years of the Buddha.
(The assisted shaktipat recipients are already out
of the low years and may experience perineum clicks,
where a perineum click is a short period mula bandha.)
I’m not sure if there is a divine press release yet but
when there is the Dalai Lama’s Oracle (along with
many others) should receive it.
celebrated early here tonight at MUN (Memorial University of
Newfoundland) and I was going to go and get a moon cake but
didn’t realize you had to register in advance, and it was sold out.
Since I am of celtic background I also wish you a happy Mabon
(from Mabon ap Modron). I will celebrate it tomorrow night
by going to a special concert by Colleen Power and her band
at The Black Sheep Pub from 7 to 10 p.m.
Now here are some loose ends from the long thread mostly
by me entitled “one FINAL attempt” on alt.philosophy.taoism
and four other groups.
First, I said that sex workers would have to find a new line
of work. I have been assured that they have been taken
care of in the healing circle prescriptions. But the same
might not be true for gold diggers.
Second, at one point I said that the species balance was
on and included a very strong bias against killing within
one’s own species, including against suicide. But
then after that, yesterday, I think a man in Germany
threw his baby off a high rise and then jumped off
But then at 2:51 a.m. NDT (0521 UTC/GMT) Sept. 21, 2018
I wrote in my notebook that “tonight I have had several
buzzes indicating that more stuff had come on after a
delay”. I think that included the species balance,
healing circle prescriptions, and funnel. In any
case the species balance wasn’t on until after the
above-mentioned murder+suicide. And I know I
said I wouldn’t put up with any more backtracking
or delays, but that is all I can do.
Also perhaps the tombstone of Jesus rolling aside is
like the moon rolling from late waxing gibbous moon
through full moon to early waning gibbous moon.
And though one tradition says the Buddha achieved
awakening/enlightenment at first quarter, another
tradition says it was at full moon.
Ha, I am hoping that Sarah McLachlan will show up at
Folk Night at The Ship Pub Wednesday night (two
days after full moon) and that will cause me to come
out of my low years, which have lasted far longer
(22.64 years) than the seven years of the Buddha.
(The assisted shaktipat recipients are already out
of the low years and may experience perineum clicks,
where a perineum click is a short period mula bandha.)
I’m not sure if there is a divine press release yet but
when there is the Dalai Lama’s Oracle (along with
many others) should receive it.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Coming into season this world will flower
With the power of love, not the love of power" (Mae Moore)
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Coming into season this world will flower
With the power of love, not the love of power" (Mae Moore)