Hi n.,
thank you for your detailed answers.
I just read the word several times and yesterday even in a mail from a friend, so I thought, now I really want to know what it means
Post by Helga KittlHi,
would anybody please tell me what the translation or meaning of EMAHO is?
"E-Ma-Ho!" is from the Indian Sanskrit via the Tibetan Dzogchen
"E" (pron. like long A, like aim, ate,, etc) might have originally
been "He",
as in "He-Vajra" - something like when we say "Oh!!!" with wonder and
"Ma" refers to the mother lineage, wisdom, and "Ho" to the hero
(heruka) father
lineage of compassion...The wonder of "E" is that wisdom and
compassion are non-dual.
Like in the Heart Sutra where it says openness is form, form is open,
So, basically it's a preface that means "Wow! This is wonderful beyond
words!" -
meaning that the words that follow this shouldn't be taken as a dogma,
but as
pointing to the awake heart that is already there, so speak...that the
following mantra
or verses are about what is beyond limiting words. The finger points
at liberation,
so don't fixate on the pointing finger, look beyond to what is
The Heart Sutra says this in the mantra "(Aum) Gate Gate Paragate
Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha"
- gone gone gone-beyond completely-gone awake so-be-it....all our
concepts and words are
left behind in the brilliant flash of just-this (so-to-speak) -
just what is happenning before any idea arises.
- Emaho!
- so if any words and verses follow this "Wow!" they are to seen as
poetic suggestion pointing to immediate experience - something to
explore by being *here*,
not a concept or dogma.
What was the context for this question? or further questions or
comments...chatting is welcome here.
- :)
- n.